Why I have a big problem with your dreams

You may say I'm a dreamer. Always have been.

And I'm not the only one. 

(Sorry had to add that Lennon line in :)

There's a lot to be said for being a dreamer or having big dreams.

Dreaming is one of the first steps of bringing something into existence. And people who can't even imagine achieving big goals or life dreams are unlikely to ever make them happen.  

dream jar .jpg

However, too many of us dreamers engage in "someday" generalizations. What is more, many of us don't even realize it. 

Someday, I'll start my business.

Someday, I'll be a coach, a writer, an actor, a leader within my organisation.

Someday, I'll travel the world and have a house by the beach.

The problem with that is it allows space for complacency around who we're being right now

Which means there's a lack of responsibility for what you want to have, be or do in the future. 


And if you're not taking responsibility for your goals, who will? 



Are you committed to making them happen? 

If so...

Where are you engaging in "someday" generalizations vs. being responsible for what you want? 

You're a dreamer. You have an incredible imagination. Imagine you've already achieved the dream. What kind of person would you be 'being'? Practice 'being' that now. 

What would you have needed to do? Start doing that now. 

Responsibility breakthrough: Declare a date by when this dream will be reality.  


I get that taking full responsibility for what you want can be confronting, challenging and in some instances, downright vulnerable. I think about where I'm not doing this and my heart begins to pound at the thought. For if I'm fully responsible, who or what is to blame if it doesn't happen? And what will that mean about me? 

And another part of me knows that I actually have the power to choose whether to let judgement affect me or not.

What is more, if I don't take the risk of responsibility, then I'll certainly never achieve what I want.

And what's the point in that?

If you're ready to take that courageous leap into full responsibility for your goals or at the very least, begin that journey, click here for your complimentary consultation and let's set you on your way.