What bullshit is in your way?


If it were possible to leap out of my too old to still wear style pyjamas, I would have.

Yet as startled as I was to hear my coach bellow that, it was precisely what I needed to hear.

Within the next 24 hours, I'd been hired by one of my first ever coaching clients.

No website.

No social media or email list.

No networking events attended.

No, "I need to be confident in the fact that I'm a coach and I need to stop worrying about what people will think first before I start my business" to work through.

This confidence issue was the topic I'd brought to my coach that day.

One of the biggest myths I've seen bandied around so much since, is that confidence needs to be created before you do something....when actually, it's most often created AFTER you have.

The website etc were just extra excuses piled on top of the lack of confidence I was feeling.

Her calling bullshit was just the jolt to my system I needed to get into action.

The next day, one of my first ever coaching clients had decided to work with me.

I'd never before spoken to them 24 hours prior.

All I did was start having real conversations with other people instead of bullshit ones with myself.

How many conversations are YOU having with yourself right now about what you THINK you need to have, be or do BEFORE you can start that new career or business venture you're considering?

Consider that a lot of these thoughts are likely excuses and bullshit you're unnecessarily putting in the way.

So, cut the shit. Stop waiting, start acting.

Consider this your call out.

First step, leave a comment or send me a message and share with me what bullshit or excuse you've been putting in the way of getting started on your next venture.

P.s. Looking for a jolt of support for your next venture? Click here to apply for a complimentary coaching consultation. Get some initial coaching on your goal and learn more about whether working together would be a good fit.