HOW do you achieve your career dreams?

Wait a sec, I got 2 WAY more powerful questions for ya!

  1. WHY do I want to achieve my career dreams?

  2. WHO do I need to BE to achieve them?

Your answer to the first will serve as motivation and be a guiding north star.

The second is a question people hardly ever think to ask themselves.


With anything in life, it’s WHO you need to BE (not always what you need to do) that makes the biggest difference.

Hence why two people can take exactly the same action toward the same goal and achieve different results. The difference is usually in their energy, personality and how they show up.

Get curious:

Do I need to act more like a leader, be more mindful, passionate, compassionate, patient, bold, courageous, positive and/or a risk taker?

Your strategy on HOW to get to where you want is secondary.

Start thinking about the WHO and the WHY, not just the HOW. I can guarantee ya, it will change everything.

Love this tip? Send me a message with your WHO and your WHY.