6 common limiting beliefs holding you back from pursuing a dream career or business

  1. I’ll lose my financial security

  2. I won't have the time

  3. I’m not good enough

  4. It’ll be a waste of what I’ve achieved so far and I’ll have to start from scratch

  5. Even if I do transition, I still might not be happy in what I think is my dream career or business

  6. People will judge me

Beliefs aren’t facts and fears don’t always mean reality. However, making any kind of change is scary and because your brain is hardwired for keeping you safe, more than it is for keeping you happy, any change or risk you take can flag as a “no, no” and your brain will kick up as many reasons as it can find for you NOT to make a change.

Heartbreaking thing is, in situations like this, happiness often exists on the other side of that safety mechanism. One thing to remember though, is that the joy that can arrive soon after taking your first, scary step into the unknown can often suddenly, be a reminder of just how alive and capable you are.