4 crucial reasons creating your next JOB or CLIENT could turn into a major flop

You feel this.

...because you’re right there or on the verge of it yourself…

Going for your next career move (hello career up-levellers) or client (hello coaches and fellow service providers) has a powerful way of triggering your deepest fears.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of not being good enough.

Fear of looking stupid.

Fear of (you name it).

And 1 real kicker….the fear for your survival.

Quite literally, our ability to make a living is deeply connected with our sense of safety & survival.

If not lovingly managed, your survival system goes into full hyperdrive,😵 sabotaging your ability to show up powerfully & create what you truly want 💫.

After creating clients for the past 9 years, 5 of those full time; I’ve not only coached dozens of career ‘transitioners’ & fellow coaches 1:1 through this process but I’ve also had my own intimate reckoning with it.

I share these << reasons your process could be a flop>> as re-pointers for your inner compass…

…Yet, know that fully embodying this, takes practice & support. So, save this post & when you’re in a funk, keep coming back.

1️⃣ You’re NOT treating it like a numbers game.

It's all about creating as much opportunity as possible. So, when the "right" fit comes along, you're there for it.

The more people you speak with, the more potential for opportunity you create. When you're not treating it this way, there's too much pressure on fewer opportunities. So, your survival system taps into scarcity & hyperdrive.

2️⃣ You’re NOT willing to fail or be rejected.

This contributes to number 1. Learn to feel your feelings around hearing "no" before you get to "yes".

3️⃣You’re NOT relating to this as a place to play, grow, learn & practice .

Over-focusing on the destination rather than the journey constricts your ability to see what's right in front of you.

4️⃣You’re disconnected from the bigger reason you're going for this & only focused on a survival reason.

Reconnecting to the former puts you in an amazing energy state & that state is one of the biggest reasons someone will hire you.


I know. All this is easier said, than frikkin done.

Send me a message here to book a free consult about coaching.