What does it take to make a career transition, really?

It's been a few years since I took the biggest leap my heart has yet taken and it wasn't in the realm of romance. It was for my career.

This week, I'm grateful to be reaping the fruits of that leap by spending time at the beach whilst running my business and seeing clients on my working holiday/vacation.

(Scroll to the bottom for photos!)

So, what does it take to transition from a career that feels like 'meh' to one that makes you feel alive and most aligned with yourself and a sense of purpose?

Beyond the practicalities...

Beyond gaining the new skills or qualifications needed...

Beyond the time and financial changes you'll navigate...

What does it take? Really.

What I believe it always whittles down to is one "C" word…


Courage to look at what's not working and change it.

Courage to move forward before you feel confident.

Courage to take the less travelled, unfamiliar path.

Or the job your family disapproves.

Courage to take a change in "status" if necessary.

To start that leap or transition, no matter how old you are.

Or how much energy you've already put into your existing career.

To spend the money and put the time in.

To listen to the part of you that knows you're capable.

And take that risk, go with your heart and start the adventure of a lifetime.

Have YOU made... or are you contemplating making a career transition more aligned with yourself and a greater sense of purpose?

Send me a message. I'd love to hear. Truly.

P.S. Curious about coaching and how it can help you take that leap? Click here to apply for your complimentary consultation.

P.p.s. A few photos from my trip this week