The gift of uncertainty. What does 2017 have in store for you?
/It's Christmas!! And 2017 is just around the corner.
I've had a great year prepping myself for a big transition:
1. Finally, getting my coaching practice off the ground
2. Bagging myself an elusive working holiday visa for Canada (I fly on a one-way ticket to Toronto this January).
Next year feels like it's going to be a big one.
It's certainly a huge unknown. A new country, city, culture, currency and climate. A new ice rink, coach and apartment. A new way of life, clients and hopefully, new friends.
I know the unknown is a scary place. Most of us try to control, predict and manage our lives to the "Nth" degree so heading straight into the city of a country I've never even visited, far away from my family, friends, job, home and all things that provide a sense of safety and security is a daunting prospect.
However, I also know that the unknown is a place for growth and new possibilities.
It will be my ability to embrace this and its numerous uncertainties that will prepare myself for any eventuality.
As they say, mind-set and our relationship to any given situation is paramount to our capabilities so I've been thinking about nurturing a new relationship to uncertainty in 2017:
1. Certainty is actually an illusion. Uncertainty is inevitable. Think about it! Have you ever really known how things are going to unfold? So heading to Canada and not knowing what my future holds is actually dealing with life as it's always been. It's the same for all of us and your year ahead (whether you're planning to go to Canada or not!). Nothing is guaranteed. Remarkably, knowing that uncertainty is inevitable actually makes me feel more freedom than usual.
2. Plan for the future but let go of the need to control the outcome. Through practising my ability to let go of any outcome whilst maintaining my intention for every goal I have set for Canada makes me feel more open to a never-ending host of opportunities and adventure.
3. Enjoy the process, be more grateful for 'now' and see the gift in every imperfection. The idea that someday everything will be perfect and I will have 'made it' is just another illusion.
4. Have faith and use my anxieties to fuel my mission. Being faced with the unknown and all that uncertainty can be terrifying. Fear of failure to achieve in the midst of it could halt, paralyse or consume my goals to create a life in Canada. Instead, I want to use that energy as impetus to fuel them.
5. What is the worst that could happen? Realistically, if it doesn't work out, I'll move back home. Making peace with that allows more freedom to fail forward.
Re-defining your relationship to uncertainty can change your future and allow for more to open up in the interim. There's the gift. Embrace the unknown and make way for all it has to offer.
If you're interested in growth and maximising your ability to embrace 2017, consider and share your answers to these questions below!
What do you intend to create in 2017? What are your goals?
What is unknown? And what are you most afraid of in the pursuit of these endeavours?
Consider: What will be your relationship with those fears and the inevitable uncertainty around your goals?