6 interesting things I learned from 6 months in Canada
/Thank you for the responses I got to last week's blog and newsletter. It's massively appreciated and I can't wait to start creating a coaching package for you.
This week marked the completion of my 27th year around the sun. It also marked the completion of 6th months of having lived in Canada. So, in celebration I took a 3 day break away to the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia.
The view from the deck of the airbnb
Beautiful. This is one of the reasons I decided to come here. Just look at that.
Canada, especially British Columbia is gorgeous but there's also a lot more to it than that. So, to mark the last 6 months, my blog post today is a little different to the normal personal development work I'd write about. Here are 6 things I've learned about Canada over the past 6 months.
1. Road rules:
As a Brit, I'm so used to having to stop and wait for a gap in the traffic before I can cross the road. In Canada, pedestrians have right of way. This is much to the annoyance of any Canuck who stops their vehicle in order to let me cross. It took me a while to figure out why on earth they were stopped in the middle of the road. Now I'm getting used to it, I'm a little worried at my comfort around this should I go back home.
2. Vernacular:
"Eh?" is slowly becoming a part of my vocabulary. It's used to indicate that you don't understand something, can't believe something is true, or just that you want someone to respond to you. Canadians seem to say this at the end of every sentence. It's becoming hard to not let it slip into mine.
3. Luna Lovegood's missing shoes:
I see them every where.
Nearly every street I walk down, there will be a pair of shoes flung over the power lines. This amuses me quite a bit. At least someone is getting a kick out of it.
4. Currency:
I was at the Doctor's office the first time someone asked me for a 'loonie'. I wish someone could have snapped the look on my face. I soon found out that $1 coins are called 'loonies' and $2 coins are called 'toonies'.
5. Shopping:
Every time I buy something, I feel like I'm being cheated. In England, taxes are already incorporated into the price of the product. In Canada, they add a nice little sum of money to cover tax onto the price tag only after you get to the till.
6. Banking:
In the UK, I never had a credit card. I was advised against it. In Canada, I can't buy quite a number of things without one. So many places just won't take debit. This is something I really have to get used to especially when it comes to paying it off at the beginning of every month. On the bright side, I'm learning all about how to build your credit score.
Looking at the above feels strangely validating. The Little Girl inside me feels proud that she stepped out, moved to a new country and had to start dealing with things like credit cards. I'm also quite proud that I made it to the 6 month mark. That's the longest I've ever been away from home, family and friends. However, having been away for so long has also been making me really feel the importance of them in my life and it felt particularly poignant around my birthday.
Nonetheless, I know I shall see them all soon. Nature, family, Canada: that would be my favourite combination.