An open letter to the shy ones...

I know how it feels to have dreams but be fearful of putting yourself out there enough to pursue them.

To feel you have potential but somehow also unable to unleash it.

Putting up walls whenever you get close to doing so.

Everyone telling you… “you can do it, you just have to believe in yourself!”

Yet you feel so disappointed you can't just do those things.

"Why can't I do what they say? Why can't I do what I know I can?"

You worry..."what's wrong with me?"


You're also so devoted to breaking down those walls & to making your dreams a reality.

An inner, usually hidden, part of you knows you have SO much to offer.

You have talent & imagination.

You know you are meant for something different AND to make a difference...

Yet, you sabotage yourself every time.

There's the fear of being rejected, made wrong or misunderstood.

But most of all, there's a fear of being seen as the fully capable being you are.

I want you to know…

You're not alone.

I've been battling with myself on this my whole life too.

Through coaching & therapy, I realized this shy part of me is really...

My inner little girl...little Rach💕

She's so afraid of being seen, saying the wrong thing..or even the right thing.

Her heart was hurt many times & she just wants to feel safe & protected.

So, she sacrifices her dreams 💫 for the safety & protection of hiding behind her walls.

That's why she built these walls. They keep her safe but now, they also imprison.

What she doesn't always realize is that what she's been led to believe are her weaknesses, & vulnerabilities, are actually her strengths:






This is who she is.

And when she stays hidden, she hides & imprisons these strengths too.

Acceptance, love & compassion is what she needs.

And when I give this & she accepts it, you learn how to no longer force change, fight with & sabotage yourself so much.

Instead, you begin to feel & learn that all parts of you can be on the same team & be working towards the same dream.

I hope this provides you with some insight & inspiration today 💞